Cub3d 학습일지 - 11 - 벽 텍스처

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Raycasting Development with C

Create a raycasting 3D scene using C programming language

제 11강 Wall Textures 벽 텍스처

11.01. Representing Textures.
11.02. Creating a Texture Programmatically.
11.03. Mapping Textures to Wall.
11.04. Implementing Wall Texturing.
11.05. Multiple Textures.
11.06. Multiple Texture Code.
11.07. Fixed Size Data Types.
11.08. Using FIxed Size Integer Types.
11.TX. The Operator Sizeof.
11.09. Libraries to Decode PNG Files.
11.10. Loading External PNG Files.

11.01. Representing Textures.