사전_42_ft_Server : 0 : Container, OS, Kernel, VM
Code/Dictionary 2020. 12. 23. 15:25

[Dictionary for FT_SERVER] [0] What is Docker and Container? 도커란 뭐고 컨테이너는 뭘까? 2020. 12. 23 kkim 목차 Index [0] Basic Information 기본 지식 [0.1] What is OS, and what is Kernel? OS란 뭐고, Kernel은 뭘까? [0.2] VM - Vertual Machine - 가상 머신 [1] Container 컨테이너 [2] References 참조 [0] Basic Information 기본 지식 [0.1] What is OS, and what is Kernel? OS란 뭐고, Kernel은 뭘까? 1) Definition of OS / OS의 정의 : Wikipedia OS(Opera..